Real Estate Professionals Leaving Money On The Table…

Posted on December 7, 2016. Filed under: Uncategorized |

– Lump Sums of Cash for Sellers – Some sellers have no mortgage when they sell their home. This is an opportunity to earn more and serve more. Clients with money appreciate their agents looking out for their money and helping them make more in the process. Giving a suggestion of ways to earn more money rather than tying the money up in more real estate or declining in a bank account will always be appreciated. Never assume just because a client has money that they know EVERYTHING about money because you will be surprised.

– The Mortgage Process for Buyers – Every buyer that needs lending services will see a mortgage broker and have a Financial Analyst completed before they get approved. If they are a cash buyer, you should always offer this service to assist the client in future planning. This analyst points out the assets a potential buyer may have. If you are the Buyers agent you can use this analysis to determine available income to protect their assets from probate & foreclosure.

– People Who Can’t Afford A Down Payment – People who really want to invest in real estate but can not qualify for any reason can be gold pipeline prospects. You can help them build their credit score, save money much faster using compound interest, and show them ways to grow their money for the down payment and closing costs.

– Extra Commission through Full Service – Being able to offer the types of services mentioned above, through your own sales funnel, will drive more customers to your unique point of difference. I can guarantee most agents won’t take the time to leverage their business in this way out of sheer laziness or overwhelm. The reality in business is that the more you touch your clients, the more they trust you. The more they trust you the more they refer business your way and the more they refer business the more you make.

– Recap – There is a highly effective way to implement this strategy into your business without ever changing what you do, paying monthly fees, or getting overwhelmed with paperwork and it’s called leverage. Serve your customers even better by adding more services that connect them to you and your Real Estate experience. A full service provided through this type of funnel provides multiple streams of income without destroying or weakening the main source.

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